Jaso Shutonen albiste guztiak.
All Shuton ball screw tables available at
Herewith we would like to announce that all Shuton ball screw tables are available in our website. Offering different options, it is possible to search:
- 1. In the full product catalogue, filtering by diameter, pitch, ball size and preload.
- 2. Or by product technology:
- 3. Or by nut type:
- - TD Double preloaded nut.
- - TUC Ultracompact preloaded nut, limitation of space.
- - TC Compact preloaded nut.
- - TS Single high loads.
- - TS Single pick&place.
We hope this tool will be of assistance for finding the ball screw that best fits your requirement. Otherwise, please contact us and we will be glad to assist you.
SHUTON-IPIRANGA Ingeniaritza Zerbitzuak aholkularitza zerbitzu integralak jartzen ditu bezeroen eskura, erabilera bakoitzerako boladun torloju eta erabilera modu egokienak aukeratu ditzaten. Shutonek soluzio guztiak aztertu, eta sor daitezkeen garapen berrien premiak hautematen ditu. Laster, boladun torlojuaren online kalkulu sinplifikatua jarriko dugu zuen eskura.