Jaso Shutonen albiste guztiak.
Project of merger between SHUTON and HUSILLOS IPIRANGA

On May 22nd, the Board of Directors of SHUTON, S.A.U. signed the project of merger by absorption between SHUTON as acquiring company and HUSILLOS IPIRANGA, S.L.U. as acquired company.
The purpose of the merger is to rationalize and simplify the Group's corporate structure, making it more efficient and simplifying its operations and management.
The Board of Directors of SHUTON consists of the following persons:
- Ms Liviana Forza, who has been its Chairman since March 2nd, 2023 and has been a director since March 2nd, 2020.
- Ms Tiziana Daniela Bonacina, director since July 19th, 2022.
- Mr Roberto Mielgo Garcia, director since March 2nd, 2023.
Learn about the merger project, as well as other relevant information.
SHUTON-IPIRANGA Ingeniaritza Zerbitzuak aholkularitza zerbitzu integralak jartzen ditu bezeroen eskura, erabilera bakoitzerako boladun torloju eta erabilera modu egokienak aukeratu ditzaten. Shutonek soluzio guztiak aztertu, eta sor daitezkeen garapen berrien premiak hautematen ditu. Laster, boladun torlojuaren online kalkulu sinplifikatua jarriko dugu zuen eskura.