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Rollon presents its new comprehensive product portfolio. #ShutonIpiranga Rollon The Timken Company

We would like to thank all our customers and partners for the trust placed in us during this year. We wish you a Merry Christmas and all the success in your life and professional projects in 2024, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!   Honen bitartez urte honetan guregan izan duzuen konfiantza eskertu nahi genizueke gure bezero eta lankide guztioi. Gabon zoriontsuak opa dizkizuegu eta 2024an zuen bizi zein lan proiektuetan arrakasta izan dezazuela. Zorionak eta Urte Berri On!   Querríamos aprovechar esta ocasión para agradecer a todos nuestros clientes y colaboradores la confianza depositada en nosotros durante este año. Os deseamos unas Felices Fiestas y todo el éxito en vuestros proyectos de vida y profesionales en el 2024, ¡Felices Fiestas y Feliz Año Nuevo!

In this new time as Shuton-Ipiranga, we are glad to announce we have updated our website showcasing our expanded product families, offering wider product rage to our customers.   XP Xtrem Position ➡ High performance ball screws for positioning applications. XL Xtrem Load ➡ High load ball screws for heavy-duty applications. XT Xtrem Transport ➡ High efficiency ball screws for automation applications.   These new product families reflect the Shuton-Ipiranga union and allow us to position ourselves as leaders in the design and manufacture of high precision ball screws.   Are you looking for a specific ball screw solution for your industry? Visit our website to learn more about our new product range.   #ballscrew #industry #engineering #precision #machinetool #heavyduty #automation


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SHUTON-IPIRANGA "Engineering Service" offers its customers comprehensive advice for the selection of the PRECISION BALL SCREW and definition of the optimal use mode for each application, studying the different solutions and detecting needs of new developments that may arise. Soon we will put at your disposal the possibility of online simplified ball screw calculation.