쿠키 정책

A cookie is an information file which the server of this website sends to the device (computer, smart-phone, tablet, etc) of the person who signs in the page, in order to store and recover information referred to the activity performed in such equipment.

Shuton, S.L.U. uses different types of cookies (technical, analytical and social) only with the purpose of improving the surfing of the user in the web site, with no advertising aim or similar.

Shuton, S.L.U. does not collect any personal data through cookies. All the cookies, except those used by Google Analytics statistics system, are temporary and disappear when the session is shut down.

Shuton, S.L.U. uses in this web site the cookies that appear below:

TypeExpirationPurposeOwn / Others
presentacion At the end of session Session control Own
eucookie 1 year Appears when you accept the cookie message Own
_ga 2 years Used to distinguish the users Others
_gid 24 hours Used to distinguish the users Others
_gat 1 minute Used to limit the percentage of requests Others

At any moment, the user can choose which cookies need to work in this web site by means of:

  1. The configuration of the browser; (indicate link in each browser to enable or disable cookies)
  2. Tools of third parties, available on line, which allow the users to detect the cookies in each web site they visit and proceed to its deactivation.

Neither this web, nor its legal representatives are to be made responsible of any content or veracity of the privacy politics that third parties mentioned may have in this cookies policy.

The acceptance of the present policy implies that the user has been informed in a clear and complete form concerning the use of the storage devices and recovery of data (cookies), therefore Shuton, S.L.U. has the user´s consent for the use of same, according to established in the article 22 of Law 34/2002 of July 21, of the Information and Ecommerce Society Services (LSSI-CE).

볼스크류 온라인 계산

SHUTON-IPIRANGA ‘엔지니어링 서비스’는 고객들의 각각의 요구에 맞게 정밀 볼스크류 선정을 위한 조언과 새로운 개발 필요성을 찾아 내고 다른 솔루션을 연구하여 각 어플리케이션에 따른 최적이 사용모드의 결정 등에 대한 포괄적인 조언을 제공합니다. 멀지 않아 온라인에서 간단한 볼스크류 계산을 할 수 있도록 할 것입니다.