Ball screw solutions offering high dynamic and high load. Specific ball screws types for injection, clamping and ejection systems.
Excellent alternative to hydraulic cylinders.
High load capacity and speed, controlled
temperature, uniform load distribution,
high performance, durability
Main features
Top results with high durability and reliability.
Especially high values of dynamic and static load capacity, as well as high values of maximum permissible loads.
Very smooth rotation ensuring uniform ball circulation, avoiding any crashes between balls and resulting in very low noise levels and enabling the use of higher feed speed values, thus reaching DN values up to 170.000.
Accuracy grade and axial play:
- - H 0.020 mm or less.
- - A 0.040 mm or less
Average load capacity and speed, controlled temperature,
high performance and durability
Main features
High precision ball screws, assembled with non-preloaded single nuts.
Cost-effective alternative to pneumatic and hydraulic actuators.
Best performance throughout the life cycle of the ball screw.
El “Servicio de Ingeniería” de SHUTON-IPIRANGA, ofrece a sus clientes asesoramientos integrales para la selección del husillo y modo de uso óptimos para cada aplicación, estudiando las distintas soluciones y detectando necesidades de nuevos desarrollos que puedan surgir.